Sunday, October 9, 2011

I heart FALL!

So as much as I think that my favorite season is summer, deep down it really is fall.  I love fall for so many reasons, start of school, fall colors, football, fall decoration, fall activities (apple picking and pumpkin farms), Halloween, and of course shopping for new fall clothes! Oh how that is my favorite!

I also love doing fall activites with my kiddos! One of my favorite art projects I do with them is making our own fall trees. We have so many beautiful trees right outside our classroom window that we get to enjoy all fal,l that it is such great inspiration to make our own!
This past Friday we took a little walk around our school and collected a ton of beautiful fall leaves.  Then we glued them onto trees we traced on paper and made fall scenes.  They turned out GREAT and look so fall-ish in our hallway! :)

1 comment:

  1. So jealous! Here in Oklahoma it is still 86 degrees, no leaves turning color at all! Actually, they pretty much just fall off the trees in a greenish/yellow rush in November - no long weeks of beautiful fall foliage to enjoy. I'm originally from Illinois, so this is NOT how I remember Fall lol!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten
