Sunday, October 9, 2011

I heart FALL!

So as much as I think that my favorite season is summer, deep down it really is fall.  I love fall for so many reasons, start of school, fall colors, football, fall decoration, fall activities (apple picking and pumpkin farms), Halloween, and of course shopping for new fall clothes! Oh how that is my favorite!

I also love doing fall activites with my kiddos! One of my favorite art projects I do with them is making our own fall trees. We have so many beautiful trees right outside our classroom window that we get to enjoy all fal,l that it is such great inspiration to make our own!
This past Friday we took a little walk around our school and collected a ton of beautiful fall leaves.  Then we glued them onto trees we traced on paper and made fall scenes.  They turned out GREAT and look so fall-ish in our hallway! :)

Friday, October 7, 2011


It's finally FRIDAY! We have been having such beautiful weather here in WI so I am glad it is finally the weekend and I can enjoy temps close to the 80s! Seriously, for October in WI this is rare!
I wanted to share a fun Friday project I do with my kiddos. On Fridays we make "Our Week In School" newspapers to take home.  I love this project for a couple reasons.

First: It works on their writing skills
Second: It makes them think about the past week and reviews what we have learned
And Lastly: It gives the parents a look into what we have been doing throughout the week (even though I do a weekly newsletter, I can't possibly fit everything into it, so this lets the kids share even more about their week with their families)

This is my first time trying to upload a document, so fingers crossed that it works! :)

 Click Here to download "My Week In School"

PS: Anyone have tips on how to do this easier? HELP : /

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Advice Needed : /

OK so here's the thing, I was so excited to start a blog but the truth is, I don't know much about blogging.  So since I have been so impressed with all the rock star teacher blogs out there, and learned so much about teaching from you all, I thought why not learn about blogging from you guys as well!

So, if you have any blogging advice for me; blogging etiquette, easiest way to post pictures, how to upload downloadable links, or anything else that a new blogger would need to know, I would be OH SO APPRECIATIVE! :)
*Thanks Much*


Monday, October 3, 2011

Welcome to After Hours!

I am so excited to be starting my first teacher blog!  I have been a blog stalker since summer, and am excited have a blog of my very own! :)
There are so many fantastic teachers out there who I have learned so much from, and in turn inspired me to create my very own blog.
I'm not exactly sure how this blogging all works, so this will be a work in progress for sure!
